$97.00 USD

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33 Day Mini Angel Course

Connect with the Angelic Realm and watch your world transcend!

What you'll get:

  • Become Attuned to and learn about 14 Powerful ArchAngels and Their Crystals and how to invoke and use them
  • A Miraculous Life of Love
  • A Private Membership Portal To Access the Angel Program: Video course format

33 Day Mini Angel Course!

Meet and learn how to work with your Angels! Learn your Life Path Number! Discover the power of the Angelic realm within this 33 day mini course.

This course is designed for children and teens to learn how to connect with the Angelic realm for anything and everything they need. It is also for adult women who desire to learn more about the angels and their powerful and miraculous energy.

~Watch as the bullying stops and your child feels more connected and confident; send your child off to school happy and at peace.

~Watch as your child feels more empowered and in love with their life.

~Witness your little one be comfortable and confident in their gifts as their inner world becomes peace and love.

~Witness the power of the Angels in your child's life as they come to know the power of their presence and love.

~Feel the power of the Angelic realm in your own life with this course.



"Pure Perfection!! LOVE!!! So excited for all of the littles who are going to enjoy this journey or relationship discovery! Layla heard the intro and is so excited about it! Kia you rock, thank you for putting this together, Angel Love, and thank you for being the angel incarnate that you are! <3" Roxzan


"I been meaning to share with you that my little niece is no longer being bullied at school or soccer practice. She has learned to call Archangel Michael for help. She carries her crystals in her backpack and has a necklace with Archangel Michael. Thank you so much 🙌" Lourdes


"I love Archangel Michael and it was wonderful learning about AA Ariel. What a beautiful gift you have with nature also. Your story about the bee was beautiful 😍" Ruby





*The Phenomenal Results of our clients happen because they show up, follow the guidance, and do the work. This is not a get rich quick and it is up to you to show up, to do the work, and to follow the instructions given in order to see your own results. We cannot and do not guarantee you will experience the same results as our clients. The degree of your results depends entirely upon you, where you are starting from, and how much discipline you are willing to put into it until you see your own results. No refunds. All payment plans must be completed in full.