The Rise Of The Sacred Feminine

5 Day Challenge

Unlock the Power of your Sacred Feminine 


This 5 Day Challenge is designed to help you understand the spiritual power of the Sacred Feminine and how to use it to create a more balanced and empowered life. Each day we will dive into Sacred Feminine practices to ignite our inner fires, and awaken our Feminine power. This challenge is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual connection and ignite the power of their feminine nature. The Sacred Feminine Rise is here.


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We Grow More Powerful Together In Sacred Sisterhood

awaken your inner feminine power and take control of your life. Connect to the Divine Mother and Gain confidence and clarity, and develop the courage to make positive changes. Randina, Divine Feminine Master Healer and Mentor, will offer you personalized guidance and support, to help you experience deep and profound spiritual awakenings, and shakti flow. 

Together We Rise. This beautiful journey is better in Sacred Sisterhood together!

"I can feel myself "shifting" in so many ways and I truly love the feeling. I for the first time since my pre-teens feel worthy,  I feel like I am a valuable person,  that I deserve to be Loved,  and for the first time Ever I Love myself. And I can say it without a negative feeling.  I don't feel that shame that I was conditioned with as a child. I can now say that I am worthy of having Abundance of money and materialistic things..I would say you've helped me more than any counselor and any one else ever has with my healing and becoming or getting back to my true self.. Thank you so much.. Have a Blessed day Randina." 


Ignite Your Power

Ignite your feminine power and take back your life. Dive into a deeper understanding of the Sacred Feminine, and how to use this ancient power, so you can experience a more graceful life of flow.

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Gain Confidence

Activate your chakras and discover how to tap into your inner feminine strength and gain the confidence to make positive changes in your life relating to your highest purpose.

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Find Clarity

Discover the power of your deep intuition and find the clarity you need to make decisions that are aligned with your highest and best direction in life.

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Deeply Connect

Connect with the Feminine power of the Universe and your spiritual self in relation to her, and gain a greater understanding of the power you hold as The Sacred Feminine.

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Your most Empowered life awaits

Understand the spiritual power of the Sacred Feminine and how to use it, and create a more balanced and empowered life.

Free 5 Day Challenge