The Goddess Alchemy Building An Empire is a VIP Business Training Program that brings together like minded POWERFUL Goddess creators who also have a soul purpose to light up the world with their greatness. 

Our High level mastermind gatherings occur to assist in the ascension of those souls who choose to consciously elevate their vibration for the greater good of all.

In this VIP Program you will learn how to build your business from an idea to a full flowing profitable soul purpose business. We learn Powerful Manifesting tools, inner world transformational tools to quantum leap your life and your business in ease and grace, and, we do it all together in a Sacred Space with The Divine Power of The Universe.

The Goddess Alchemy Building an empire business building program is a VIP in depth transformational program. We hold in person trainings each year and all other classes are held virtually. Ascend into the you you came here to be and live the life you came here to live, in true freedom, deep fulfillment, and true happiness. Use your gifts to their fullest potential and Build your Empire. Leave a Powerful Legacy.

In this VIP High Level training program you will learn how to build and structure your business and your online platform so that you can receive the money you deserve, for your inherent gifts; from 1:1 to 1:Many. You will also learn ancient manifesting rituals, how to deeply connect with the unseen, client attraction processes, and energy practices that will keep you on the high flying "disk" so you can give your focus to serving from your heart, while creating residual income to support your beautiful souls expression takes care of itself, in freedom and deep fulfillment. 

*We use our businesses, our resources, our energy, and our love to uplift and transform the world in the way we intended to before we came to this Earth.

Build Your Empire & Change The World


Building Your Empire is the way to serve your purpose, get paid for being you, and free yourself and your family.


The "Goddess Alchemy Building An Empire Program" is only open to those who fit the qualifications.  

 If you are interested in learning more, you can fill out an application here: www.Randina.co/apply


Please enjoy this Divine Attunement™ Meditation/Activation for generating Windfalls as my gift to you, to invoke a deep sense of core self love, Angelic Blessings, and Goddess Power from within your being. 

The more women who allow themselves to know they are deserving and worthy of all they ask for, the better this world gets!






“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

"And then go out and Change the World." 

"It is not only for the chosen few, but, for the few who have CHOSEN."

― Randina Marie



"Queen of Rapid Transformation": Divine Feminine Soul Purpose Mentor, Founder Of The Power Of A Woman: Mastering The Keys To Manifesting, Gifted Intuitive, Grandmaster Money Reiki Healer, Master Kundalini Reiki Practitioner, Licensed Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Certified Life & Money Coach, Founder of Goddess Money Reiki, Author, Speaker, Master Healer, Creator of The Divine Effect®, Divine Feminine Spiritual Teacher, Goddess Reiki Practitioner, Manifesting & Soul Purpose Business Mentor.

"I work with women to Awaken their Feminine Power to create their lives their way, in connection and in unison with the Universe. I guide them through their own Soul Purpose spiritual awakening, and I teach them how to manifest a Purpose driven life they love.


 I use my gifts and abilities to discover and transform the hidden limitations and traumas that are secretly blocking you from experiencing your hearts truest desires, and I teach you how to harness and engage the Power of the  Universe to create your life, your way, in alignment with your true purpose."

The Power To Create Your Life By Your Own Design Is Within You, and I will show you how to do it. 


You will experience:

  • Abundance and Prosperity transformation (Money and Finance)
  • Love and Relationship transformation
  • Health and Wellness Transformation
  • Spiritual Healing at the deepest levels
  •  Career and Soul Purpose
  • Soul and Body Alignment
  •  Miraculous healing of discord within yourself and your relationships
  • Serving Your Purpose With Your Gifts
  • Building An Empire That Prospers You & Changes The World

Click Here To See If The Goddess Alchemy Building An Empire Program Is Right For You

Build your Goddess empire, change the world.

Let's Get Started