Life Changing Programs
Powerful Processes & Programs to Transform Your Life FAST
Book: The Power Of A Woman Mastering the Keys to Manifesting
Are you ready to know the real secrets to creating a Life you Love? Are you ready to understand how to get the Law of Attraction to work for you? Are you ready to Love who you are and miraculously attract anything you desire to you, including money, Love and perfect health? This interactive book is also a Divine Soulworkbook™, and it takes you on an in depth journey into discovering what you want out of life, and exactly how to get it; with all the scientific studies to prove it. If you are looking to connect with your guides, the Angels, and The Power Of The Universe to create your life deliberately, look no further as you have been guided to your answer, and here it is!
Create a new spiritually based life and live your piece of heaven on Earth!
Learn MoreHealing & Happiness Guide
Take care of your body and your hormone levels naturally! Support it on a quantum level and raise your biological happiness set point with this guide! Speed up your healing process with specific herbal recipes for boosting your happy hormones and safely returning to your body's natural state of health, so you can be naturally happy every day. Plus, A very special Bonus segment on Food Programming. Manifest Your Desires Fast with this Sacred Ritual.
Naturally boost happy hormones with the power of plants.
From Depression to Happiness!
Divine Angelic Healing Attunement Meditation!
What you'll get:
- 1 Detailed Hormonal Balancing Supplement Guide
- 1 Divine Angelic Attunement Meditation
- A new level of happiness
"When I was introduced to Randina Marie, at that time I knew she was my gift. God brought her to me. You see for 16 years I suffered from Lupus, Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis Fibromyalgia and Sjogrens Syndrome. My life of going to doctors only to get a new diagnosis and more toxic medicine was my life. When I decided to work with Randina she talked about cleaning up my vibration. I felt this urning to be Vegetarian and so it happen. I was on 11 medications when I met her. Chemo, anti malarial meds, biological medicine, anti depressants, sleeping pills, stimulators medicine. All prescribed by my doctors and more. She helped me find my power within learning to heal all my wounds and teaching me to clear my life and embrace my souls gifts. Showing how to work with the Divine to heal my life. I safely got off all those medicines and am healed. The Healed Healer as she calls me. I haven’t had any trace of disease and never will again. She was the answer to my asking! I am forever grateful how she helped me with supplements to get off all those drugs! She helped me find me and flourish in everything I do. Helping reignite my light and learn to truly be madly in love with myself! "
Learn MoreStar Sirius 30 Day Money Program
In this Star Sirius 30 Day Money Acceleration and Activation Program, you will reprogram old money energy, and, align with your wealthy future. Watch your life and your powers rapidly transform in ways you never dreamt possible. Dissolve your money karma and align with the Star of Divine Love, to fill your life with the flow of wealth and abundant windfalls. Awaken your Third Eye and watch your life ascend.
Watch your life and your powers rapidly transform in ways you never dreamt possible. Dissolve your money karma and align with the Star of Divine Love, to fill your life with the flow of wealth and abundant financial windfalls.
What you'll get:
An Entire 30 Days of Transformation:
~1 Money Reprogramming Session~1 Energy clearing Money Transformation Session~1 Divine Effect® Star Sirius Money Activation Session~1 Full Month of activations and life changing rituals~1 Full length Class session~1 Star Sirius Divine Attunement™ Meditation to listen to daily to put you in the flow of Abundance
With these powerful transformational sessions you will transform yourself on ALL LEVELS! Your physical body, your energy body, your brain and patterns, your etheric body, and your emotional body. This program transforms every level of your being, bringing you back into congruent alignment with all that you desire.
This powerful work will shift your life in the most profound ways. Embark upon the connection with your Soul to manifest the money you desire, for you, and for your family.

Chakra Balancing With Crystals, Sacred Oils And Goddesses
Activate and Balance your Chakras. Awaken Your Power To Create With Mother Nature and All Of Life. Transform your body, mind, and life and connect with your Soul and the Power Of All That is. Manifest Your Destiny. Heal and Harmonize Your Chakras In A Powerful Way And Watch Your Life Transcend.
Learn MoreNew Moon Wishes Fulfilled Ritual
In this powerful New Moon Wishes Fulfilled Sacred ritual, you will learn how to set wishes in a way they will be sure to manifest in the quickest way possible! This ritual is unlike anything you have ever experienced! Engage the Power of Celestial beings and the Power of your Soul to Manifest your deepest desires. This process works faster than you can imagine, time and time again! Get ready to experience the magic in your life! Enjoy!
New Moon Wishes Fulfilled Sacred Ritual Inlcudes:
~The New Moon Sacred Ritual Session
~ Sacred New Moon Wishes Fulfilled Ritual Workbook
~Manifest Your Dreams with a Quickening Meditation: Boost your power and your manifestations. Become a magnet for all that you desire with the Alchemist Archangel, Raziel. Program your brain and energy field with what you desire.
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The Sacred Full Moon Burn Ritual With The Divine Effect®
This ritual will not only transform your limitations and old programming, it will also replace them with the ones you truly want.
Using the profound Divine Effect® Process makes this burn ritual unlike anything you have ever experienced and is more powerful than any other burn ritual on the planet!
Full Moon Sacred Ritual Inlcudes:
The Sacred Ritual Session
Sacred Full Moon Burn Ritual Workbook
Plus! These BONUSES:
Goddess Blessings and Angelic Power Meditation: Boost your power and your manifestations. Become a magnet for all that you desire.
30 Day Angelic Manifesting Ritual: Change your life and the lives of those you love, for good
"Thank You again for sharing this with me & all of the beautiful women! It is working!!" Karen
"wow!! my paper made a huge fire that burned my hand! I’m okay..but have never seen something like that 😳😳wow.." ~Dania
"done, my list burned quickly yesssssss. it felt good. on to bigger and better things." ~Lili
"thank you Randina I’m so happy you did this tonight I needed it last night was a roller coaster and this brought me back to alignment... "
"Wow Randina I have done a lot of burn rituals but none so powerful as this one." ~Meegan
Learn MoreEarth Star Chakra 30 Day Transformation
Get ready to have your fears of life dissolved and your faith in life restored. In this 30 day transformational experience you will come to know what it feels like to be so connected with Mother Earth, that all of life just flows for you. You will learn a powerful transformational process for dissolving old belief systems and replacing them with new life supporting paradigms, that you can use for the rest of your life to manifest your desires at quantum speeds. Feel the power of Mother Earth and all of life on your side like never before. Watch your dreams manifest.
~30 Days of Transformational processes
~Soulwork Book and Class Session
~Tools To Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life
~Divine Effect® Transformational Reprogramming Session
~Reiki/Theta Earth Star Clearing Session
~Daily Divine Attunement™ Meditation to Accelerate Manifestations
~Fear Based Belief Systems & Past Lives Of Life On Earth Healed And Transcended. A Healers Dream!
~Profound Connection With Mother Earth
~The Forces Of The Universe Working For You And With You
~A Life Transformed
"Like whoa. This practice was surprisingly moving, beautiful, and powerful. I can honestly say that all the trees are my new friends! :) All of nature and life. I feel a symbiotic relationship of reverence, love and support with Gaia that I never had before."
“Completed the Earth Star Chakra video and decided to take on your advice and demand Archangel Michael to give me a windfall. 😳 well shit. It worked. 😂 this is so insanely crazy. I can’t even believe this. 😱 I usually end the month with 7 new customers in 1 month. Well I processed 8 new client orders today 7 for myself and even my husband snuck one in today. 😳 Thank you Angels & Guides. I am so excited and I can feel how that excitement and happy energy creates even more momentum where it’s focused. 😭”
~Alexis Savage
Learn More33 Day Angel Mini Course
Meet and learn how to work with your Angels! Learn your Life Path Number! Discover the power of the Angelic realm within this 33 day mini course.
This course is designed for children, teens, and adults alike to learn how to connect with the Angelic realm for anything and everything you need. It is for anyone who desires to learn more about the angels and their powerful and miraculous energy.
~Watch as the bullying stops and your child feels more connected and confident; send your child off to school happy and at peace.
~Watch as your child feels more empowered and in love with their life.
~Witness your little one be comfortable and confident in their gifts as their inner world becomes peace and love.
~Witness the power of the Angels in your child's life as they come to know the power of their presence and love.
~Feel the power of the Angelic realm in your own life with this Angelic Activation Course.
"Pure Perfection!! LOVE!!! So excited for all of the littles who are going to enjoy this journey or relationship discovery! Layla heard the intro and is so excited about it! Kia you rock, thank you for putting this together, Angel Love, and thank you for being the angel incarnate that you are! <3" Roxzan
"I been meaning to share with you that my little niece is no longer being bullied at school or soccer practice. She has learned to call Archangel Michael for help. She carries her crystals in her backpack and has a necklace with Archangel Michael. Thank you so much 🙌" Lourdes
"I love Archangel Michael and it was wonderful learning about AA Ariel. What a beautiful gift you have with nature also. Your story about the bee was beautiful 😍" Ruby
Learn MoreHow To Make A Vision Board That Works
In this exclusive vision board training, you will not only learn how to make a vision board that works, you will also learn how to manifest the vision for your entire life using the specific proven sacred manifesting rituals, that I teach.
Included in this training is a 30 day process to transform your entire life and a Success Angelic/Goddess Divine Attunement™ meditation to boost your manifesting and attraction power.
Experience the vision for your life coming into being right before your very eyes. Learn a vision board technique that will catapult your dreams into being quickly, and a process you can use again and again, that will keep them coming. The better it gets, the better it gets!
What you get:
~ How to make a vision board that works training and the Divine visioning manual
~ Sacred Manifesting Rituals to boost your attraction
~ A 30 Day process to transform your entire life
~ A Divine Attunement™ Meditation to activate your Soul Power & Manifest Your Dreams
"I manifested everything on my vision board from last year"
~ Michelle Kenney
"I manifested literally everything on my vision board within the last year"
~Lani Daly
Learn MoreSacred Manifesting Ritual 8x44
In this exclusive sacred manifesting ritual tap into the frequency of your Manifested vision and witness the Universe flow it into your life in faster than you ever thought possible.
Manifest Your Hearts Desires fast with The Power Of The Angels And Goddesses in this Sacred Ritual.
Transform Your Life Forever With This Powerful Ritual
What you'll get:
- Manifesting Magic With Angels And Goddesses Ritual
- Includes Activation Class and Ritual Workbook
- Manifest Your Desires Fast With The Goddesses & Archangel Raziel Meditation
- Own Your Morning Ritual to Manifest The Life Of Your Dreams, Now. Own Your Power.
- x2 Additional Manifesting Abundance & Prosperity Processes. Transform Your Money Life Today.
“Within 3 hours of doing the X44 ritual Day One I manifested 40k. I have a private client that is going to work with me for a full year.. Randina I am astonished - I have been manifesting for years and a big amount like this has never flown in so fast with so little effort. I am blown away and wanted to share the abundant vibes with our sacred sisterhood.” Bridget I.
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Channeling & Awakening Your Gifts
In this profound and transformational channeling & awakening your gifts course, you will tap into your innate gifts and open your pathways to channel.
Transform Your Life Forever With This Powerful Opening To Channel Process
What you'll get:
Channeling Divine Guidance Step by Step Process
Awakening your psychic gifts and connecting with your guides Session
Divine Effect® Transformational Healing & Reprogramming Session: Release fears of being seen and experience being loved and honored for your gifts
Daily Divine Attunement™ Meditation to Awaken Your Crown Chakra & Connect You To Your Divine Guidance
Includes Activation Class and Ritual Workbook
- Manifest Your Desires Fast With The Goddesses & Archangel Raziel Meditation
- x2 Additional Channeling Manifesting Processes.
Learn More
Third Eye Chakra: Awakening Your Spiritual Insight
Awaken Your Third Eye And Receive Insight And New Visions. This Program Connects You To Your Prosperity Through Your Third Eye Awakening. Discover Your Innate Wisdom And Psychic Abilities.
Transform Your Life Forever With This Powerful Third Eye Chakra Activation Course
What you'll get:
- 30 Days of 3rd Eye Activation & Prosperity Transformation Soulwork
- Soul Purpose & Prosperity 3rd Eye Chakra SoulworkBook and Class Session
- Tools To Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life
- Divine Effect® 3rd Eye Activation Transformational Session Awakening Your 3rd Eye Gifts & Your Prosperity
- Reiki/Theta 3rd Eye Chakra Clearing Session
- 3rd Eye Chakra Daily Divine Attunement™ Meditation to Accelerate Manifestations & Receive Visions For Yourself And Others
- 3rd Eye Chakra & Chinese Medicine Class
- 3rd Eye Chakra Bonus Yoga Flow
- Includes Activation Class and Ritual Workbook
Crown Chakra: Awakening To Your Purpose & The Divine
Awaken To Your Purpose & Open The Flow Of Divine Insight And Wisdom In This 30 Day Transformational Program. Activate Your Crown Chakra And Connect To Your Soul. Align With Your Spiritual Power And Benevolent Beings Who Are Here To Assist You.
Transform Your Life Forever With This Powerful Third Eye Chakra Activation Course
What you'll get:
- 30 Days of Transformational Crown Chakra Awakening processes
- Soul Purprose Crown Chakra SoulworkBook and Class Session To connect with your Soul's Purpose & Your Guides
- Tools To Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life Bonus Activation Sessions
- Divine Effect® Transformational Reprogramming & Awakening Your Abilities Session
- Reiki/Theta Crown Chakra Clearing Session
- Crown Chakra Daily Divine Attunement™ Meditation to Accelerate Manifestations & Communication From Your Guides
- The Forces Of The Universe Working For You And With You Meditation: Speed Up Your Manifestations!
- A Life Transformed
- Includes Activation Class and Ritual Workbook
Sacral Chakra: Awakening Your Divine Feminine Power
In This Sacral Chakra Awakening Experience Your Divine Feminine Coming Alive As Your Shakti Is Activated & Ignited. Transcend Old Programming & Come Home To Your Sacred Sensuality So You Can Open Up To Receive Your Blessings.
Transform Your Life Forever With This Powerful Sacral Chakra Activation Course
What you'll get:
- 30 Days of Transformational Sacral Chakra Awakening Processes
- Divine Feminine Sacral Chakra SoulworkBook and Class Session To connect with your Divine Feminine and Open To Receive
- Phoenix Tools Of Transformation To Transmute Your Blocks & Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life: Bonus Activation Sessions
- Divine Effect® Transformational Healing The Mother Wound, +Awakening & Activating Your Womb Session
- Reiki/Theta Sacral Chakra Clearing Session
- Deep Feminine Wounding Healing & Reprogramming. Be Free of Self Rejection & Form Deep Bonds With Other Women
- Sacral Chakra Daily Divine Attunement™ Meditation to Activate Your Shakti and Open You Up To Live In The Receiving Mode
- The Forces Of The Universe Working For You And With You Meditation: Speed Up Your Manifestations!
- A Life Transformed
- Includes Activation Class and Ritual Workbook
- Sacred Sexuality Activation Class, Healing Session, & Soulworkbook to Awaken Your Sensuality And Put You In The Pleasure Zone
Throat Chakra: Awakening Your Divine Feminine Power
Transform your life with the power of your voice. Your throat chakra will liberate you into creative freedom.
Experience relationships in your life like never before all from opening and transcending your throat chakra!
Feel what it feels like to be heard. To be loved. To be received. To be understood. To be heard.
What you'll get:
30 Days of Transformational Throat Chakra Awakening Processes
Divine Feminine Throat Chakra SoulworkBook and Class Session To connect Awaken Your Voice & Speak Your Truth
Phoenix Tools Of Transformation To Transmute Your Blocks & Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life: Bonus Activation Sessions
Divine Effect® Transformational Healing The Throat Chakra +Awakening & Activating Your Voice
Reiki/Theta Throat Chakra Liberation & Clearing Session
- Deep Throat Chakra Wounding Healing & Reprogramming. Be Free of Silencing Yourself and Living In The Shadows. Break Free And Speak UP!
Throat Chakra Daily Divine Attunement™ Meditation to Activate Your Voice and Create Your Version Of Heaven On Earth
The Forces Of The Universe Working For You And With You Meditation: Speed Up Your Manifestations!
A Life Transformed
Heart Chakra: Awakening Your Heart & Living In Bliss
Live Your Life In The Flow Of Your Open Sacred Heart And Open Up To The Miracles Life Has In Store For You
The Heart Chakra! This is where we infuse Divine Love into your lives, our manifestations, and to the world. This is where we balance Karma and create more good Karma. As we reap we sew. This is all about the good in life, being in alignment, and leading with your heart. This chakra blesses our life with compassion, love, and beauty. The heart chakra is the bridge between the seen and the unseen. This is where you will discover your true love for oneself and all of life. When this chakra is open and active you feel connected in Love to all of life and a deep appreciation for the beauty all around you and in each experience.
What you'll get:
30 Days of Transformational Heart Chakra Awakening Processes
Divine Feminine Heart Chakra SoulworkBook and Class Sessions To connect Awaken Your Heart & Create A Life You Love
Phoenix Tools Of Transformation To Transmute Your Blocks & Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life: Bonus Activation Sessions
Divine Effect® Transformational Healing The Heart Chakra +Awakening & Activating Your Bliss
Reiki/Theta Heart Chakra Liberation & Clearing Sessions
- Deep Heart Chakra Wounding Healing & Reprogramming. Be Free of Heart Blocks & Old Attractor Patterns
Heart Chakra Daily Divine Attunement™ Meditation to Activate Your Heart and Create Your Version Of Heaven On Earth
The Forces Of The Universe Working For You And With You Meditation: Speed Up Your Manifestations!
A Life Transformed
Solar Plexus Chakra: Your I Am Presence & Your Divine Power
Live Your Life In Your Divine Power And Open Up To The Miracles Life Has In Store For You
The Solar Plexus Chakra! New You, New Life! Your core self worth. The truth of who you really are. Alchemical Transformation. Awakening The Power Of Your Solar Plexus Allows You To Lead A Life Of Success And Confidence. Feel Self Assured While Everything You Have Wanted Flows Into Your Life. Have High Self Esteem And Attract Successful Opportunities To You With Ease! Embody Your Higher Self, Transform Your Own Self Concept, Live On Your Highest Timeline!
What you'll get:
30 Days of Transformational Solar Plexus Chakra Awakening Processes
Divine Feminine Solar Plexus Chakra SoulworkBook and Class Sessions To connect Awaken Your Power & Create A Life You Love
Phoenix Tools Of Transformation To Transmute Your Blocks & Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life: Bonus Activation Sessions
Divine Effect® Transformational Healing The Solar Plexus Chakra +Awakening & Activating Your True Identity
Reiki/Theta Solar Plexus Chakra Liberation & Clearing Sessions
- Deep Solar Plexus Chakra Wounding Healing & Identity Reprogramming. Be Free of Low Self Esteem & Old Attractor Patterns
Solar Plexus Chakra Daily Divine Attunement™ Meditation to Activate Your Solar Plexus and Create Your Dreams With Ease
The Forces Of The Universe Working For You And With You Meditation: Speed Up Your Manifestations!
A Life Transformed
- Magnetising your desires Divine Attunement
- Untangling Energy and Dissolving Limitations Divine Attunement
Root Chakra: Fame & Reputation Leaving Your Legacy
Live Your Life In Your Divine Power And Leave Your Legacy
The Divine Masculine: Awakening your Kundalini Energy, Opportunities, Money, Divine Balance, Giving energy. In is sec on you wi learn how untangle your unconscious energetic attachments your Masculine energies through your Male and father relationships. Here you will release and let go of any energetic entanglements that are in your field of energy, for good. You will learn exactly what you need do in your physical space to create an environment of a attraction for the things you desire! Money, Support, And Solid Foundations Are Yours.
What you'll get:
30 Days of Transformational Root Chakra Awakening Processes
Divine Feminine Root Chakra SoulworkBook and Class Sessions To Awaken Your Stability, Power & To Manifest A Life You Love
Phoenix Tools Of Transformation To Transmute Your Blocks & Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life: Bonus Activation Sessions
Divine Effect® Transformational Healing The Root Chakra +Awakening & Activating Your True Grounded Power
Reiki/Theta Root Chakra Liberation & Clearing Sessions
- Deep Root Chakra Wounding Healing + Fame & Reputation Reprogramming.
Root Chakra Daily Divine Attunement™ Meditation to Activate Your Root Chakra and Create Your Dreams With Ease
The Forces Of The Universe Working For You And With You Meditation: Speed Up Your Manifestations!
A Life Transformed
- Magnetising your desires Divine Attunement
- Untangling Energy and Dissolving Limitations Divine Attunement
- Additional Root Chakra Activation Class
- Additional Root Chakra Money Karma Clearing Ritual
Soul Star Chakra: Dare To Dream!
Align with your Souls dreams and create a new life. See your new vision coming into form
The Soul Star Chakra Dare To Dream 30 Day Course will have you dreaming a new Soul aligned dream, and teach you how to bring that dream into reality. Connect with your Souls truest intensions for your life and discover manifesting processes and reprogramming sessions that bring that vision to life. A jam packed 30 day transformational process that will have you creating the blue print for your life's unfoldment. From vision boards to new moon wishes this course covers it all. Manifest A New Soul Aligned Life With Magic.
What you'll get:
30 Days of Transformational Soul Star Chakra Awakening Processes
Soul Star Chakra SoulworkBook and Class Sessions To Awaken Your Heart To Dream A New Dream
- Manifesting Techniques to 10x Your Dreams Into Your Reality
Phoenix Tools Of Transformation To Transmute Your Blocks & Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life: Bonus Activation Sessions
Divine Effect® Transformational Connecting To Your Soul Star Chakra +Awakening & Activating Your Alchemical Power
Reiki/Theta Soul Star Chakra Liberation & Clearing Sessions
- Deep Soul Star Chakra Activations & Healing of Past Life Karma + Manifesting Your Dreams Reprogramming.
Soul Star Chakra Daily Divine Attunement™ Meditation to Activate Your Soul Star Chakra and Bring Your New Visions To Life
The Forces Of The Universe Working For You And With You Meditation: Speed Up Your Manifestations!
A Life Transformed
- Magnetising your desires Divine Attunement
- Untangling Energy and Dissolving Limitations Divine Attunement
- Additional Soul Star Chakra "Wishes Fulfilled" Activation Class & Manifesting Techniques To Live A New Reality Quickly
God Head Chakra: Divine Connection & Angelic Blessings
Open your connection to the Source of all that is. See your miraculous life unfolding before your very eyes.
The God Head Chakra 30 Days of Source Chakra Awakening & Transformation will have you connected to The Divine, The Creator of all that is. With this connection you will flow into the most beautiful version of yourself fathomable. You will know what it feels like to be loved from your core as the Divine creation of The Creator. Know what trust in the Divine truly feels like and watch the magic of miracles flow through your entire life. Be the beacon of light for others to remind them of the love of the Creator for themselves. Heal your relationship with God and be free of old world programming.
What you'll get:
30 Days of Transformational God Head Chakra Awakening Processes
God Head Chakra SoulworkBook and Class Sessions To Open Your Connection To Source & Develop A Newfound Relationship With Your Creator
- Manifesting Techniques to 10x Your Dreams Into Your Reality
Phoenix Tools Of Transformation To Transmute Your Blocks & Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life: Bonus Activation Sessions
Divine Effect® Transformational Connecting To Your God Head Chakra +Awakening & Activating Your Alchemical Connection
Reiki/Theta God Head Chakra Liberation & Clearing Sessions. Transform Your Relationship With Spirit
- Deep God Head Chakra Activations & Healing of Religious Programming & Past Life Karma
The Forces Of The Universe Working For You And With You Meditation: Speed Up Your Manifestations!
A Life Transformed
- Magnetising your desires Divine Attunement
- Untangling Energy and Dissolving Limitations Divine Attunement
Learn More
Chakra Unison: The Complete 12 Month Creating Your Life By Design Chakra Course
Experience Radical Transformation In Your Entire Life In Less Than 12 Months
The Full Creating Your Life By Design 12 Month Chakra Course will have you experiencing a radically new life in less than 12 months. During your sacred journey, you'll not only discover your true purpose, you’ll experience deep activations, subconscious reprogramming, and you will 100% discover how to step into your power, so you can realize your dreams. By tuning into your Spiritual power, the Angelic realm, and the power of the Universe to support, guide, and love you into your highest, you'll awaken to a reality you didn't know existed. Take notice of this moment, Divine woman, This is when your past, present, and future changes forever.
What you'll get:
12 Months of Transformational Chakra Awakening Processes
All 10 Chakras Included: 15 SoulworkBooks and Classes
Over 30 In Depth Healing & Hypnosis Sessions To Activate And Transform Your Chakras, Open Your Connection To Source, & Have You Developing A Newfound Connection, While Every Area Of Your Life Shifts
- Manifesting Techniques to 10x Your Dreams Into Your Reality
Phoenix Tools Of Transformation To Transmute Your Blocks & Manifest Your Desires With All Of Life: Bonus Activation Sessions
Divine Effect® Transformational Chakra Sessions +Awakening & Activating Your Alchemical Power & Connection
12 Reiki/Theta Chakra Liberation & Clearing Sessions. Transform Your Relationship With Spirit
- Deep Chakra Activations & Healings On All Levels
The Forces Of The Universe Working For You And With You Meditation: Speed Up Your Manifestations!
12 Months of Powerful Proven tools, Activations, trainings and teachings that guide you to the discovery of your Souls purpose and awakening your gifts to have you ascending to the next level of your life like never before
The Map of your Dream Life Planned out and the Manifesting Tools to make it all happen, even if you have tried and failed before. YOUR LIFE WILL BE UNRECOGNIZABLE BY THIS TIME NEXT YEAR
Weekly energy activations & transformational reprogramming sessions
Bi-weekly Master Classes and Activations
Bi-weekly Divine Effect® Reprogramming Activation Processes
Sacred Manifesting Processes to teach you the right way to manifest Sacred Money
Direct Connection with Randina to assist you in manifesting your hearts desires
Sacred Vortex of creation to amplify your powers
Rapid Transformation through hypnosis and timeline jumping
Feng Shui and Chakra Power Activations
Sacred Processes & Rituals to Manifest your Vision board into Physical form ie: “money in the bank”
Goddess Reiki Healing, NLP, and Hypnosis Sessions to transcend you from your and every area of your life
You Becoming A Woman who knows her value, her purpose, her worth, and her Spiritual Power
Discovering and on the path of fulfilling your Soul's purpose and life mission
- Angels & Goddess Class to teach you all about them
- Deep and profound connection with the Angelic Realms
- A Total Life Transformation
- Magnetising your desires Divine Attunement/Meditation
- Untangling Energy and Dissolving Limitations Divine Attunement/Meditation
Learn More